Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing branches of economy in the Russian Federation in general and on the Black Sea coast in particular, in this regard, the assessment of tourism potential is one of the most important tasks of regional management.

Ключевые слова:
tourist and recreational capacity, the integral model, indicator, analysis, Tuapsinsky district

Analysis of tourist and recreational potential of the territory represents a rather urgent problem. Despite the relatively large number of different evaluation methods in the field, in the scientific literature there is no single approach that would allow a comprehensive analysis of the various components of the tourism potential of the region. Therefore, we have devised a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of recreational resources based on the construction of integral models [1, 2, 3]. Based on this model, we propose to use two types of indicators: indicators of natural environmental and socio-economic component of tourism and recreational potential of the territory, which in the end are reduced to a single integral indicator of tourist and recreational potential [4, 5, 6]. Approbation of this method was carried out on the example of urban and rural settlements included in the municipality Tuapse district, based on the data of official statistics and administrative sources [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14].

The objects of analysis we select only those administrative units which is located on the Black sea coast, because the aspect of data creates a distinct advantage in comparison with the mountain areas do not have access to the marine resource.

Therefore, the objects of our analysis will be [15]:

  • urban settlement of Dgubga;
  • rural settlement of Tenginka;
  • urban settlement of Novomikhailovsky;
  • rural settlement of Nebug;
  • urban settlement of Tuapse;
  • rural settlement of Shepsi.


Список литературы

1. Bobylev S.N., Makeenko P.A. Indikatory ustoichivogo razvitiya dlya Rossii (ekologo-ekonomicheskie aspekty) [Indicators of sustainable development of Russia (ekologo-economic aspects)], 2002, 124 p.

2. Gogoberidze, G.G. Kompleksnoe regionirovanie primorskikh territorii Mirovogo okeana: Monografiya [Comprehensive raionirovanie coastal areas of the World ocean: a Monograph], 2007, 396 p.

3. Temirov D.S., Yaili E.A., Simonov V.S. Organizatsiya i planirovanie rekreatsionnoi deyatel'nosti [Organization and planning of recreational activities], 2004, 267 p.

4. Amirkhanov, M. M., Arakelov A. S. Teoreticheskie i metodicheskie aspekty otsenki turistsko-rekreatsionnogo potentsiala regionov s rekreatsionnoi spetsializatsiei [Theoretical and methodological aspects of the evaluation of the tourism capacity of the regions with recreation specialization]. Sovremennaya nauchnaya mysl' = Modern scientific thought. 2013. No. 2. P. 147-154.

5. Polynev A.O. Mezhregional'naya ekonomicheskaya differentsiatsiya: metodologiya analiza i gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya [Inter-regional economic differentiation: methodology of analysis and state regulation], 2003, 208 p.

6. Reteyum A.Yu. Monitoring razvitiya [Monitoring of development], 2004, 160 p.

7. URL: http://www.admjubga.ru//

8. URL: http://www.tenginskoesp.ru//

9. URL: http://www.tenginskoesp.ru//

10. URL: http://www.nebug.tuapse.ru//

11. http://www.tuapseregion.ru/

12. URL: http://www.adm.tuapse.ru//

13. URL: http://www.shepsi.tuapse.ru//

14. URL: http://www.krsdstat.ru/

15. Zenina V.D., Georgievskaya G.V., Kholodova N.M. i dr. «Skhema territorial'nogo planirovaniya munitsipal'nogo obrazovaniya Tuapsinskii raion» [Scheme of territorial planning of the municipality Tuapse region], 2005, 218 p.

16. Sergin S.Ya., Yaili E.A., Tsai S.N., Potekhina I.A. Klimat i prirodopol'zovanie Krasnodarskogo Prichernomor'ya [The climate and nature of the Krasnodar black sea region], 2001, 187 p.

17. Yaili E.A., Muzalevskii A.A. Risk: analiz, otsenka, upravlenie [Risk: analysis, assessment, management], 2005, 232 p.

18. Gogoberidze G. G., M. S. Arakelov, Mavrodi K. P., A. S. Arakelov Methodology of socio-economic zoning, territorial objects of the Krasnodar Black Sea region [Metodika sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo raionirovaniya territorial'nykh ob"ektov Krasnodarskogo Prichernomor'ya]. Regional'naya ekonomika: teoriya i praktika = Regional Economics: theory and practice, 2013. No. 15. P. 2-8.

19. Temirov, D. S., K. H. Ibragimov, M. S. Arakelov Management of territorial recreational systems. Monograph [Temirov D.S., Ibragimov K.Kh., Arakelov M.S. Upravlenie territorial'nymi rekreatsionnymi sistemami. Monografiya], 2012, 236 p.

20. Arakelov, A. S., M. S. Arakelov, Simonyan G. A., D. S. Temirov Topical issues for analysis and evaluation of the tourism capacity of the territory [Aktual'nye voprosy analiza i otsenki turistsko-rekreatsionnogo potentsiala territorii]. Molodaya nauka - 2013 = Young science - 2013, 2014. P. 98-102.

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